Purpose Mass cancellation of Boletos can be used to cancel Boletos which werecreated incorrectly during the mass creation or single creation ofBoletos. 1. Selection criteria of the Boleto: · Using the run and date ID of the Boleto run · Using the bank information of the Boleto that were created · Using the internal or external Boleto numbers, or business partnerinformation · Simulation mode is available
Activities 1. The system cancels the Boleto by releasing the open items and settingthe status of the Boleto to 'Cancelled' ( Boleto status = '4'). The open items are again available for selection. 2.,,The payments amounts of the cancelled Boletos are entered in thedatabase table DFKKBOL_BANKID. An identification run is issued usingthe user ID and the system date. If a user performs more than onecancellation during the same day, a new entry with a new position willbe created for the mass cancellation in DFKKBOL_BANKID. 3.,,Display of the cancelled Boletos. The open items that were included in the Boleto will be available forselection. |