Purpose Report RFKKUSTAXAR04> carries out the last step in archivingtelecommunications tax data in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable(FI-CA): deletion of an entire table and update of an administrationtable. The other steps of the archiving object FI_MKKUSTX> areimplemented in the following programs:
- RFKKUSTAXAR01>: Write program
- RFKKUSTAXAR02>: Deletion program
If you want to delete complete tables (see also RFKKUSTAXAR01>), the system first checks if the number of entries haschanged in the meantime. This prevents inconsistency of data whenarchiving was not performed properly; for example, if so much timeelapses between the write run and the postprocessing program thatadditional data was written to the table. In both cases, the report adjusts the administration table DFKK_UT_DROP_TAB as follows:
- The report changes the date up to which data was deleted.
- The report removes the lock.
- If necessary, the report resets the DROP_ALLOWED indicator, which
specifies the mode.
- The report resets the counters WRITE_IN and WRITE_OUT, in which the
number of written entries is stored.