Description Report RFKKUSTAXAR02> carries out the second step in archivingtelecommunications tax data in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable(FI-CA): Deletion of data from the database based on a previouslycreated archive. Report RFKKUSTAXAR01> carries out the first step:Creation of an archive of telecommunications tax data. The archiving object is FI_MKKUSTAX>. INCLUDE FICA_AR_SARA_AOBJ OBJECT DOKU ID TX Note> Depending on the mode in which the archiving write program is executed,either single records are deleted from the database (as is usual), orentire tables are deleted. For more information on the prerequisites forthe two modes, see the documentation of report RFKKUSTAXAR01>. The deletion program RFKKUSTAXAR02> deletes only individualrecords. The postprocessing program RFKKUSTAXAR04> deletes entiretables. |