Description Report RFKKUSTAXAR01 carries out the first step in archivingtelecommunications tax data in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable(FI-CA): Writing data to the archive. Report RFKKUSTAXAR02> carries out the secondstep: Deletion of this telecommunications tax data from the databasebased on the archive previously created. The archiving object is FI_MKKUSTX. An entry can be archived if it is old enough (related to the key date onthe selection screen and the residence time defined in Customizing). INCLUDE FICA_AR_SARA_AOBJ OBJECT DOKU ID TX You can run the program in two different modes: Standard process> This process is used when:
- The database tables involved contain data in more than one client.
- The telecommunications tax data is stored centrally (that is, in table
- You limit the selection by document number on the initial screen.
- You do not set the Delete Complete Table> indicator on the initial
screen. Archiving by deleting tables> You use this procedure when none of the conditions listed above are met. In this case, the data is stored for each month in different databasetables (for example, DFKKOPUSTAXIN01 - 12). Based on the archiving keydate and the residence time entered in Customizing, the systemdetermines which month - and thereby which complete table - is to bearchived. During the deletion run, the data is not deleted individuallyfrom the tables; instead, after all deletion runs are completed, thecomplete tables are deleted. Note that you are not allowed to limit this process using documentnumbers; in other words, the write run cannot be processed in parallel. For performance reasons, during archiving of documents (archiving objectFI_MKKDOC), only completely archived time periods are considered to bealready archived. With selective archiving of telecommunications taxdata (limiting by document number), it is not possible to archive therelated documents.