Purpose You use this report to prepare a tax invoice list as required inRussia. The list summarizes the taxable business transactions ofcontract accounts in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable>(FI-CA).Prerequisites The report is based on the generic tax reporting tool in FI-CA. Toactivate the recording of data using this tool, you need to completethe following activities:
- Enter the following function modules in table TFKFBC:
- In Customizing for Financial Accounting> (FI), under Contract
Accounting> -> Basic Functions> -> Tax Reports> ... -> Activate Recording of Tax Data>, enter the following functionmodules: Event 0930: FKK_RU_EVENT_0930 Event 0936: FKK_RU_EVENT_0936 Event 0937: FKK_RU_EVENT_0937 Event 1936: FKK_RU_EVENT_1936 Event 1937: FKK_RU_EVENT_1937 -> Define Specifications on Data to be Recorded>, enter ruleRU > and structure FKK_RU_SDATA>, so that the system retrieves thecorrect business partner information during recording. -> Define Report Times for Sales/Purchase Tax>, define therecording-relevant information for the sales and purchases tax code.
- Assign column numbers to tax codes in Customizing for FI, by choosing
General Ledger Accounting> -> Business Transactions> ->Closing> -> Reporting> -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns >, then the activities Group Tax Base Balances> (in theTx.bs> field) and Group Tax Balances> (in the Gp no>field). The report displays amounts taxed with different rates in differentcolumns. Therefore, you need to make the necessary assignment of taxcode to column number for the tax grouping version you specify on thereport selection screen.Features Selection The main features of the selection screen are as follows:
- You can restrict your selection based on FI-CA criteria, such as CA
document number or business partner.
- For the report to display the amounts for different tax rates in the
correct column, you need to specify the tax grouping version underOutput control> (required Customizing settings described above).