Purpose IF &[SWITCH]FICA_EHP5& = ' '. The posting totals of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable are notarchived; instead you can delete them after the documents are archived. ENDIF. IF &[SWITCH]FICA_EHP5& = 'X'. You can either archive posting totals that you no longer need, or youcan delete them using this report. ENDIF. Integration You are not allowed to delete totals records for the current or the justexpired fiscal year, in order to ensure consistency with the generalledger for this time period. IF &[SWITCH]FICA_EHP5& = 'X'. You can archive reconciliation keys by choosing from the SAP Easy Accessscreen Periodic Processing -> Archive Data -> Reconciliation Key>. ENDIF.Prerequisites You cannot delete totals records until all related documents arearchived; you can only delete all totals records for a givenreconciliation key. |