Purpose Using report RFKKRDI_AGGR> you can create aggregated distributioninformation for assigned payments> (receivables items cleared bypayment). The system carries out the following processing steps:
- For the distribution group and application period specified, the total
revenue distribution information that reflects the assigned payments isread from tables DFKKRDI> and DFKKRDI_RATE>.
- The information is used to determine the proportion of the total amount
that is to be distributed to each final recipient.
- This aggregated distribution information is then written to table
DFKKRDI_AGGRF>. In addition, the corresponding entries from tableDFKKRDI> that are now to be distributed using the aggregateddistribution information are indicated. Note the following:
- You can modify the data created by the report in table DFKKRDI_AGGRF
>. However, the system does not offer any support for this. If youwant to use a history for your versions, you can use tableDFKKRDI_AGGRFH >.
- In the Create and Post Distribution Documents> transaction
(FP60P), the aggregated distribution information from tableDFKKRDI_AGGRF> is used instead of the distribution informationfrom table DFKKRDI_RATE>. Therefore, you should only run theCreate and Post Distribution Documents> transaction (FP60P) oncethe final version has been created in table DFKKRDI_AGGRF>. If youhave previously posted distribution documents in error, you can usereport RFKKRDI_REV to reverse the distribution documents and then postthem again. >
- The report does not provide any reversal functions. You cannot reverse
the first version created for a distribution group and applicationperiod.
- The prerequisite for the creation of aggregated distribution information
is that the application period (PERSL) is used in table DFKKOP>.This means that no aggregated distribution information can be createdfor applications that do not use PERSL>.Prerequisites In Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, underBusiness Transactions -> Distribution of Revenues -> EnhancedRevenue Distribution -> Define Distribution Groups>, you set theindicator for aggregation for the distribution groups concerned. You filled table DFKKRDI_RATE with distribution information and createdcorresponding entries in table DFKKRDI> for the distributiongroups concerned using the Revenue Distribution transaction>(FP60M) (possibly used more than once).Example An assigned payment for EUR 100 should first be distributed 30% to finalrecipient FINRE1 and then 70% to final recipient FINRE2. A furtherassigned payment for EUR 200 should first be distributed 50% to finalrecipient FINRE2 and then 50% to final recipient FINRE3. Thisdistribution information is contained in table DFKKRDI_RATE. Bothassigned payments belong to the same distribution group and have thesame application period. If you now run this report, the following aggregated distributioninformation is determined and is written to table DFKKRDI_AGGRF as firstversion:
- Final recipient FINRE1 with distribution proportion 10% (= EUR 30 from a
total of EUR 300)
- Final recipient FINRE2 with distribution proportion 56.67% (= EUR 170
from a total of EUR 300)
- Final recipient FINRE3 with distribution proportion 33.33% (= EUR 100
from a total of EUR 300)