SAP Program RFKKRD02 - Evaluation of Revenue Distribution

This report is obsolete. Use the analysis report for revenuedistribution RFKKRDI_REPORT. There you cancorrectly analyze distributions that are still open usingsimulated assigned payments.
You can use this report to evaluate revenue distribution for a finalrecipient account or for all final recipient accounts of a businesspartner.

Select by the business partner or contract account of the finalrecipient. In addition, you can also limit the documents by the postingdate.
Since selecting and displaying the data can be very time-consuming, amaximum number of line items is defined for the selection.
Note that evaluating a final recipient account with this report is onlysuitable for small quantities of data.

On the top part of the screen, for each final recipient account andcurrency, totals items are displayed for the following evaluationcategories:

  • Posted for distribution to final recipient

  • These totals contain all posted documents that are forwarded to thefinal recipient for an incoming payment. In these documents, the finalrecipient is filled with the selected final recipient.
    The following totals are calculated:
    Posted: This total contains all selected documents.
    Reversed: This total contains all posted documents that werereversed.
    Written off: This total contains all posted documents that werewritten off.
    Total:This total is calculated as the sum of the posteddocuments less the sum of the reversed documents and writtenoff documents. This total reflects the actual amount that the finalrecipient can expect.
    Open:This total contains all posted documents that were not yetcleared.
    • Distributed for final recipient

    • In this evaluation category, for the final recipients selected, thetotal of all entries written in the distribution table DFKKRDI bythe transaction Distribute Revenues transaction (SAP Easy Accessscreen: Periodic Processing -> For Contract Accounts -> RevenueDistribution) is displayed. The total is displayed in the Total
      field. The other totals fields do not mean anything for thisevaluation.
      • Posted to final recipient

      • These totals contain all documents posted to the contract account of thefinal recipient. These can be distribution documents posted to thecontract account of the final recipient by the Post Distributiontransaction (SAP Easy Access screen: Periodic Processing -> ForContract Accounts -> Revenue Distribution). Documents posted to thecontract account manually are also included in the totals. The varioustotals (for example, Posted, Reversed) are calculated asfor the evaluation Posted for Distribution to Final Recipient.
        All totals are calculated from the foreign currency amounts of thedocuments.
        By double-clicking on the individual totals lines or on the nodes forthe evaluation category, on the lower part of the screen you can displaya list of the line items that make up the totals item selected.
        By clicking on individual fields of this list, you can display furtherdetails such as the document, the business partner, or the contractaccount.
        The revenue distribution documents are usually posted as totals ofseveral entries in distribution table DFKKRDI. To track theorigin of a distribution document, in the evaluation category Postedto Final Recipient, you can use the Origin of DistributionDocument pushbutton.