Title List of documents that flow into revenue distribution IF &[SWITCH]FICA_EHP4& = 'X'. This report is obsolete. Use the analysis report for revenuedistribution RFKKRDI_REPORT>. ENDIF. This report lists the individual documents that the transaction MassActivity: Revenue Distribution> (FP60M>) has entered in tableDFKKRDI> for Revenue Distribution>.Features Selection You can select the documents according to the following criteria:
- Number of the distribution run carried out with transaction FP60M>
- Date of the distribution run carried out with transaction FP60M>
- Contract account of final recipient to whom the revenue was distributed
You can also display archived entries. To do this, select thecorresponding indicator.Output As standard, the results list contains all fields of the RevenueDistribution> table DFKKRDI>. In some fields in the list, you can branch to the correspondingtransaction by double-clicking on the field. You can do this to displaythe following details:
- Contract account of final recipient: Transaction Display Contract
- Contract account of business partner: Transaction Display Contract
- Business partner: Transaction Display Contract Partner>
- Document that is to flow into revenue distribution or is already there:
Transaction Display Document> You can also display these via the repetition items, items, or subitemsthat belong to the document.
- Document containing the total revenue distributed to a final recipient:
Transaction Display Document>
- Contract: Corresponding transaction
If a payment advice note explaining the totals posting was created forthe final recipient during payment media creation in the paymentprogram, you can branch to the correspondence history.