Title Mass Reversal of Payment Orders for a Payment Run Purpose You can use this report to reverse payment orders for a payment runthat were created incorrectly, provided you have not reported them yetand have not posted entries to the payment order lots. Integration This report is a supplement to the mass reversal (RFKKSTOR). The massreversal reverses all clearing documents for a payment run, the reportRFKKPYOR_MASS reverses all the payment orders for a payment run. (Whenyou create a payment order, the clearing document is only posted afterconfirmation from the bank.) Prerequisites A payment run has created payment orders, none of which have beenexecuted. (A payment order has been executed when the bank reports thesuccessful processing of the payment order via a payment order lot.) You need the following authorizations to execute a payment order: F_KKPY (payment data), activity 24 (delete) F_KKRD_MAS (reverse mass processing, activity 85 (reverse) Features Selection You select the payment orders for a payment run. If necessary, you can restrict the selection using a specific housebank or a specific account ID. Output The report outputs a list of reversed payment orders. |