SAP Program RFKKPNARCD - Archiving Prenotification data (history): Delete Database Entries

Deletes previously archived data from the prenotification historytable.

For a successful archiving run of archiving object FKKPNHIST, usingreport RFKKPNARCW, the archived data is removed from theprenotification history table.
First, the data needs to be archived. Only if the archiving wassuccessful, the data will be read again from the archive and deletedfrom the prenotification history table. Hence only data is deleted thatcan be retrieved from the archive, preventing a data loss.

Only data from archive files created with report RFKKPNARCW, or usingtransaction SARA for archiving object FKKPNHIST repsectively, can bedeleted.


The report may first be run in test mode.