SAP Program RFKKPCDS_RESEND - Select Payment Card Data for Resend of Notification

You use this report to prepare payments with payment cards that havealready been accounted and posted for a new report to the payment cardinstitute.
This is necessary if an error occurs with the recipient and therecipient only retrospectively communicates the error so that the errorwas unknown at the time of settlement. The posting has thus already beenperformed, however the payment is to be reported again at the request ofthe recipient.
The payment card supplement (table DFKKOPKC, field XSETT) is set tostatus "E" (perform report again, document already posted) so that thesettlement run (see SAP Easy Access screen: Periodic Processing ->Data for Externals -> Payment Card Organizations -> Parallel Billing byDirect Call) can select and report the payment again.
The result of this new report (run ID, status) is stored in tableDFKKOPKC_RESEND # the data for the first report (run ID, document numberof the billing document) remains unchanged.

The payments to be selected must have already been billed.

A list of the selected payments, totaled according to run ID, card type,and company code is output.
For test purposes, you can set the Detail List indicator in sucha way that the individual document numbers of the selected payments areoutput.