trados = fiDescription Report RFKKMDOCAR01> carries out the first step in archivingsample documents in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA):Writing data to the archive. Report RFKKMDOCAR02 >carries out the second step:Deletion of this data from the database based on the archive previouslycreated. INCLUDE FICA_AR_SARA_AOBJ OBJECT DOKU ID TX The archiving object is FI_MKKMDOC>. The program checks whether the document items to be archived have beencleared and whether the posting date is far enough in the past. To dothis, the system compares the clearing date with the key date forarchiving minus the life defined in Customizing. The life of sampledocuments is defined in Customizing per origin. Only sample documentsthat have one of the origins defined in Customizing are archived. Theprogram automatically restricts the selection of the quantity of sampledocuments to be archived to the origins defined in Customizing. The program also checks whether the document contains items from acompany code not selected, and whether the document number is the lastnumber in a number range. The sample document is only archived once all archiving checks havetaken place. For sample documents of certain business transactions (such as manualposting of sample documents), you may have to run the preprocessingprogram RFKKMDOCAR04> that clears the documents.The user defines the posting date of the clearing. |