Description Report RFKKMA05 implements the first step in dunning archiving>in Collections/Disbursements (FS-CD): Creating an Archive withDunning Notices. The second step is implemented with report RFKKMA06>:Deleting Dunning Notices on the Basis of Previously-Created Archives. The associated archiving object> is called VVKK_MAHN. INCLUDE FICA_AR_SARA_AOBJ OBJECT DOKU ID TX Selected dunning notices are tested for their runtime after the dunningprocedure and archived. You can configure the runtime for dunningnotices in Customizing. The corresponding table entries for allcorrespondence that meets these conditions are archived by the system.Notes The following checks prevent a dunning notice from being archived:
- Error ERR_NEND: >
Dunning run has not yet finished
- Error ERR_NOLD: >
Dunning notice runtime has not yet expired
- Error ERR_LAST>: >
The last dunning procedure in the system cannot be archived.