Purpose This report is a sample solution and is designed to be used as a copyingtemplate for a customer solution. The report terminates processingbefore billing documents are generated. Important:> A report which generates billing documents for test purposes, shouldnot be executed in a production system under any circumstances, since itgenerates posting-relevant documents for Contract Accounts Receivableand Payable.> Billing documents are generated by transferring data from externalsystems. See the Enterprise ServiceContractAccountInvoiceRequestERPBulkCreateRequestConfirmation_In>.Billing documents are processed by invoicing in Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable and posted in FI-CA. In the following situation it can be useful to generate billingdocuments using a customer report:
- You want to test invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
in a test system.
- Transferring external data using the BAPI referred to above has not been
implemented for the test system. You can use this report as a template for your own solution. Copy thereport and remove the coding section, which triggers processingtermination. Adjust the report so that it meets your requirements. Thereport uses class CL_FKKINV_SAMPLE_EXTERN_BILL to simulate external dataand generate test billing documents from this using theFKKINV_BILLDOC_CREATE function module. You can add the "external" datato the CL_FKKINV_SAMPLE_EXTERN_BILL class if necessary. You can also usethis non-final class to hand down to a subclass of your own.Integration Prerequisites The report can only simulate external data if the posting areas aremaintained for the transfer of billingdocuments>. Entries must be available in posting areas 2640, 2641, 2642, and 2643for the logical system>, which you entered as aparameter when you executed the report. Entries for the posting area, which you entered as a parameter when youexecuted the report, must be available for posting area 2640.Selection Contract account: You can generate billing documents for one or morebilling documents. Company code: The system only processes contract accounts whosecompany code group> is compatible with the companycode proposed here. Number of posting-relevant items: Defines the number of posting-relevantitems that are generated for each billing document. Number of information items: Defines the number of non posting-relevantitems that are generated for each billing document. Enhance simulated items: Leads to items being included in the billingdocument for which the Document Item isSimulated> indicator is selected. Additional items: Means that additional items are generated for eachbilling document (table FKKINVBILL_A).