SAP Program RFKKEWUSALDOCHECK - Saldoprüfung für FICA Belege vor der EURO-Umsetzung (vor RFKEWU3)

trados = docu -> fi -> fica

Check of Balances of FI-CA Documents in Currency Changeover to Euro

Report RFKKEWUSALDOCHECK checks whether FI-CA documents have a zerobalance. The numbers of the documents that do not have a zero balanceare provided in table RFDT(KK) by means of an EXPORT TO DATABASE.
Report RFKKEWU3 adds the numbers of the documents for which there is nofree item for the rounding item and updates them in table DFKKEWUDOCCRITfor critical documents.
This update by report RFKKEWU3 does not take place if the program is runwith a test package. This is the case if the settings for the package intable EWUPAK have the value T (Test Run) or have a runtime forecast(otherwise P for Update Run) for the Changeover/Runtime Forecastindicator.
If there are more than 10,000 documents with a balance not equal tozero, the conversion in report RFKKEWU3 is terminated: You must firstcorrect the documents. If less than 10,000 documents have a balance thatis not equal to zero, the conversion continues. These documents are alsoconverted into euro. However, no rounding item is posted for thesedocuments, even if this would be required.

You can repeat the report as often as required, before, during, or evenafter the conversion. You can also run the report before the conversionto test whether there are more than 10,000 documents with a balance notequal to zero. You have to export the records in a program of your own.To do this, copy the form SELECT_CRITICAL_DOCS from report RFKKEWU3.Call up this form, and determine the number of documents that do nothave a zero balance by applying the DESCRIBE command to the table intowhich this form has just been imported.
