trados = fiPurpose The collection agency transfers information about outstanding amountsusing the enterprise service CommissionedOutstandingColle ctionsERPBulkConfirmation>. The information received is stored whenthe service inbound interface CommissionedOutstandingColle ctionsERPBulkConfirmation_In> is processed; the information is storedin the following database tables with status Inbound - Open>:
- DFKKCOLLITEM>: Information on collection units
Uncollectible amounts, such as interest and charges, that you charged tocustomers are stored here.
- DFKKCOLLPAYM>: Information on collection payments
Payments reported by the collection agency, which were collected fromcustomers, are stored here. Processing these payments results in theposting of collection agency receivables. This processing is performedby report RFKKCOPO> (transaction Post Distribution>/FP03P>).
- DFKKCOLLPAYMLINK>: Assignment between collection payments and
collection units Payment information related to collection units is stored here. Program RFKKCOPN> reads the data from tables DFKKCOLLITEM>and DFKKCOLLPAYMLINK> and processes this data. If processing issuccessful, the system sets the status to Inbound - Processed>. Ifthere are errors, the status is set to Inbound - Error>. Data withInbound - Error> status is automatically read during the next runof the program that has the appropriate selection criteria. If interest and charges are included, the system posts them as interestand charge requests. To allow you to post incoming payments, the programcreates a payment lot. The system uses the clearing account of thecollection agency as the offsetting account for the clearing payments. You can write off uncollected and therefore uncollectible receivablesdirectly. Your company usually pays charges for each data record per collectionagency (fixed amount or percentage). The charges are paid to thecollection agency business partner and posted automatically. You can addto the charges items using a function module called up in event 5068>>. At event 6268>>, you can distributeinbound amount information from external collection cases or court cases(or other groupings) to the individual collection items.Prerequisites You have submitted the receivables to a collection agency usingtransaction Submit Items for Collection> (FP03D>) orSubmission Run> (FP03DM>). If the collection agency hascollected the receivables and forwarded them to your company, it cantransfer this information to you using the enterprise serviceCommissionedOutstandingCollectionsERPBulkConfirmation>. Theprogram takes the data from the corresponding tables (see above).Selection
- Selection for business partner, collection agency, and receipt date
- The reconciliation key is used for the following postings as required:
Interest, charges, collection receivables, and write-offs. The paymentlot is posted with a different reconciliation key.
- The company code, document date and value date are used for the
- For a simulation, choose Test Run>.
- Application log with output of payments, write-offs, interest requests,
and charges requests
- The fields Payment Amount>, Uncollectible Amount>,
Customer Interest Request>, and Customer Charges Request>are updated in table DFKKCOLL> (management data for the submissionof receivables to collection agencies).
- You can update the status of the collection items (field DFKKCOLL-AGSTA)
when you process the incoming payment in event 0020. See thedocumentation for function module FKK_COLL_AGENCY_PAYMENT>>.Activities The payment lot is posted directly using report RFKKCOPN>. You can write off uncollected and therefore uncollectible receivablesdirectly by setting the Write Off Items Directly> indicator. Thespecifications for the write-off are defined in posting area 1131 >. (See Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable underBusiness Transactions -> Submit to Collection Agency -> DefineSpecifications for Processing Collection Agency Information>.) Thesystem automatically writes off items that the collection agency reportsas not collected. You can track the processing status of the individual items of datareceived in the Monitor for Collection Services> (FKKCOLL_MONI >) transaction (SAP Easy Access screen: Account -> Submit forCollection -> Collection Services Monitor>).