Purpose You use this program to convert into MultiCash format electronic filesyour bank or PostFinance sends you that contain information about thetype of payment you requested. Below are the types of payments, who thefile is sent by, and what the file contains:
- Inpayment slips with reference number (ISR): from banks and PostFinance,
contains payments successfully carried out
- Outpayment orders (OSR): from PostFinance, contains payments
successfully and unsuccessfully carried out
- Direct debits in LSV+ format: only from banks, contains payments
successfully carried out
- Direct debits in Debit Direct format (DD): only from PostFinance,
contains payments unsuccessfully carried out. Note that this programprocesses record type TA84 only; all other types (such as TA81) areignored.
- Electronic payment orders (EPO): only from PostFinance, contains
payments unsuccessfully carried out The program is for use in Switzerland only.Prerequisites INCLUDE FICA_CONV_PREREQ OBJECT DOKU ID TX You also need to configure the standard electronic bank statement inCustomizing for Financial Accounting> (FI), under BankAccounting> -> Business Transactions> -> PaymentTransactions> -> Electronic Bank Statement> ->Make Global Settings for Electronic BankStatement>. Lastly, in the activity Define Customer-SpecificFunction Modules>, you need to assign data as follows: For ISR:>
- Function module FKK_RETURN_REASON_ASR_XML_0963 to event 0963, which
extracts house banks' return reasons from notes to payees (fieldAUSZUG-VWZ02) for return lots
- Function module FKK_ESR_2_PAYFORM_0181 to event 0181, which inserts a
reference number into table DFKKZR (field RFZAS). Note that thisfunction module is triggered during the invoicing process, and you musttherefore make this assignment before you carry out invoicing. For OSR:>
- Function module FKK_RETURN_REASON_ASR_XML_0963 to event 0963
- Function module FKK_XML_ASR_REFUSAL_0960 to event 0960
- Function module FKK_SAMPLE_0255 to event 0255, which processes canceled
checks in a return lot For EPO:>