SAP Program RFKKBU10_NACC - Accts Detailed Listing from Open Item Account Accumulated Audit Trail

Program RFKKBU10 is the print program for the cumulative open itemaccount balance audit trail. It documents the transactions of customer,vendor, and G/L accounts managed on an open item basis. It processesthe balance sheet of the cumulative open item account balance audittrail which was previously created.

Open item account sales are issued per reconciliation account. Ifseveral reconciliation accounts exist per vendor or customer account(due to changing the reconciliation account during the posting period),the line items are printed one after the other per reconciliationaccount. The line items of special G/L account transactions are printedone after the other per sales indicator.
The items are displayed per sales indicator separated into cleared andopen items. Here, all items which were outstanding at the end of theperiod under review are considered as open. This, however, alsoincludes the items which are cleared, whose clearing date is after theupper limit of the reporting timeframe. When these items are printed,the clearing date is also printed and '+++' is entered in the clearingdocument number field.
At the end of an account (or one-time account), a company code and anaccount type, totals information is also given. In detail, this is:

  • Totals at the end of an account

  • All totals listed below are supplied for the vendor and customeraccounts per reconciliation account and per special G/L account (therecan be several reconciliation accounts and several special G/L accountsper vendor or customer account).
    • Balance carried forward of the transaction figures

    • Debits/credits totals and balance of the transaction figures per period
    • for the reporting period
      • Debits/credits totals and balance of the transaction figures of the
      • entire reporting period
        • Cumulative balance of the transaction figures for every period of the
        • reporting period
          • Current balance of the transaction figures from carryforward and
          • reporting period
            • Sales per period of the reporting period

            • Cumulative sales for every period of the reporting period

            • Division of open item account sales according to foreign currencies:
              • Balance of open items prior to the reporting period

              • Balance of open items in the reporting period

              • Total balance of open items

              • Totals at the end of a company code:
                The totals are issued per G/L account, whereby reconciliation accountsand special G/L accounts are sorted consecutively by account number.The system also issues the total amount of the reconciliation accountsand special G/L accounts.
                Finally, under the section "Company code totals", the program issuesthe same data broken down by period and foreign currency, this timetotalled for all reconciliation accounts (without special G/Laccounts).
                Totals at end of an account type (customer, vendor and G/L accounts):
                Every company code with the same local currency is summarized for atotals output. These totals per local currency include only thereconciliation accounts, not the special G/L accounts.
                Finally, a summary of all clearing transactions is issued for which abalance of cleared items does not equal zero.
                The report can also run as a pure summary report. The line item displayand the total display at the end of every account is suppressed. Allother totals are displayed.
                The following errors can be reported during data selection:
                'Balance of cleared items not zero for clearing document xxx'
                This error occurs if some of the items in a clearing procedure do notexist within the period. In this case, check the restriction of theperiod.