Purpose This report calculates the amounts posted for a particular Payment Typeand period. It also calculates the total number of items for thatPayment Method. This report retrieves the data from Levy Way: Datafrom Payment Lot for Levy Way report (Brazil)> table (DFKKBRLEVYREC).Selection In the Amount Calculation per Levy Type selection >screen,maintain the following values: Select the Payment Medium Format >section: Select the value of the Format in Format >field. You can selecteither of the three values:
- Autodebit>
- Barcode>
- Boleto>
Select the corresponding Levy Code in the Levy Code> field. Note: You enter the Levy Code only when the payment format value inFormat field is barcode. Levy codes are relevant only for Barcodeformats. The other formats do not have and levy codes and have the samemode of payment always. Select the Company Code >section, enter the Company Code>in the Company Code field. Bank Details >section: Enter the value of House bank in House Bank field. All bank data isdetermined using this key. Select the value of the Account ID in Account ID> field. This IDtogether with the ID for the house bank uniquely defines a bank account. Select the Posting Date in the Posting Date> field. Select the Credit Date in the Credit Date> fieldOutput The report generates the information on the output screen: At the header level, it displays:
- Company Code>
- Credit date>
- House Bank>
- Account ID>
At Line Item, it displays:
- Payment Method >and corresponding Levy Type> for Barcode
Payment Method
- Lot Key> for Payment Lot> or Return Lot >along with
Payment Date>
- Total Amount calculated for that currency
- Total Items> for the selected Payment Method per levy type