Purpose This program displays permanently rejectedEDR>s according to specificselection criteria. The EDRs in this list were rejected using the Reject EDR> function from the following transactions:
- Monitoring: Billable EDRs> (transaction code
FKKBI_EDR_MON>) For specific reasons, EDRs, which were rejected from the billable EDRstransaction, cannot or should not be included in billing.
- Monitoring: Provisionally Rejected EDRs> (transaction code
FKKBI_EDRRJ_MON>) For specific reasons, EDRs, which were rejected from the provisionallyrejected EDRs transaction, cannot or should not be flagged as billableEDRs.Integration You can reverse the permanent rejection of the displayed EDRs frommonitoring. To do this, select the EDRs, and choose ReverseRejection>. The system deletes the permanently rejected EDRs andre-inserts them in the original tables. The reversal contains thefunction for billable EDRs and for provisionally rejected EDRs
- Billable EDRs>
You can now view and analyze the EDRs again in monitoring for billableEDRs. In addition, the EDRs are once again included in billing. Ifdemand-driven billing> is selected for an EDR, thereversal of the rejection would have triggered the generation of ademand-driven billing order, if necessary.
- Provisionally Rejected EDRs>
Provisionally rejected EDRs are once again visible in the relevantmonitoring. You can now re-transfer these EDRs, so that they can bebilled.Prerequisites You can only use the Reverse Rejection> function if yourauthorization profile contains the correct authorizations.Selection You can decide which EDRs you want included in the selection. Thefollowing indicators are provided for this purpose:
- Display Billable EDRs>
When you set this indicator, the system only displays EDRs that wererejected from the monitoring of billable EDRs.
- Display Provisionally Rejected EDRs>
When you set this indicator, the system only displays EDRs that wererejected from the monitoring of provisionally rejected EDRs. When you set both indicators, EDRs of both origin types are displayed.An icon differentiates them in the results list. Additional selection criteria are provided for restricting the selectionof permanently rejected EDRs. To specify additional criteria, chooseAdditional Selection Criteria>.Standard_variants You can modify the ALV>layout in the output list. You can use your own standard variants ormake variants available to other users.Output If you permanently reject a billable EDR and then reverse the rejection,the system re-inserts the EDR in the table of billable EDRs. Theoriginal transfer time> is overwritten with thecurrent system time.