Purpose This program is a template for a customer-specific program. You can usea copy of this program to create artificial EDR>s of thecategory> TOLLCOLL for test purposes. The programitself cannot be executed. You should not run a copy of this program in a production system underany circumstances, since this would result in irreversible databasechanges and would create posting-relevant data.Integration In production SAP systems, EDRs of the category TOLLCOLL are created bytransferring data from an external rating system. For test systems, theconnection to an external rating system is not always implemented. If you nevertheless want to test the billing of EDRs, you can create"artificial" EDRs using a program. Activities If required, copy the program to a customer-specific program, and adjustit to suit your requirements. To fill additional customer-specificfields in the EDR, we recommend that you create a customer-specificclass that inherits from the superclass CL_FKKBI_EDR_TC_CREATE_SAMPLE. |