Purpose This program deletes periodic billing orders for a billing cycle> and for the end of the billingperiod>. You delete nonperiodic billing orders for a billing account using the Monitor Billing Orders> program. The program deletes all of the billing orders that were created for thespecified billing cycle and up to the end of the billing period. The Delete Billing Orders> program can be executed only if both ofthe following parameters contain permitted values:
- Billing Cycle>:
Determine a billing cycle using the value help. You define billing cycles in Customizing. If the billing cycle is basedon a billing procedure>, you also have toenter or select the relevant billing procedure.
- End of the Billing Period>:
Determine a valid end of the billing period for the specified billingcycle using the value help.Activities When you have deleted the billing orders for a billing cycle and for theend of the billing period, the system displays which billing orders havebeen deleted successfully. You can view the application log by choosingthe Log >>pushbutton.
Example The system contains the following billing orders:
- Billing Order 1>
Contract Account: CACCT1> Billing Cycle: 0001> Billing Date: 01/31/2006 23:59:59> Billing Group: 001> Business Partner: BPART1> Billing Order Type: 01 - Periodic>
- Billing Order 2>
Contract Account: CACCT1> Billing Cycle: 0001> Billing Date: 01/31/2006 23:59:59> Billing Group: 002> Business Partner: BPART1> Billing Order Type: 01 - Periodic>
- Billing Order 3>
Contract Account: CACCT2> Billing Cycle: 0002> Billing Date: 01/15/2006 23:59:59> Billing Group: 001> Business Partner: BPART1> Billing Order Type: 01 - Periodic> When you execute the Delete Billing Orders>> program withthe parameters Billing Cycle> 0001>> and End ofBilling Period> 01/31/2006>>, the system deletes thebilling orders 1 and 2.