Purpose You can use this report to generate periodic billing orders for abilling cycle> and at the endof a billing period>. You can generate non-periodic billing orders for a billing account usingthe Monitor Billing Accounts> report.Integration Billing orders are generated atcontract account> level.Billing accounts of a contract account with the same billing cycle andbilling group> are billed together. Therefore, ifa contract account has multiple billing accounts with different billingcycles and/or billing groups, different billing orders can be generated. Prerequisites You can only execute this report if the following parameters arecorrect:
- Billing cycle>:
You can use the input help (F4) to determine a billing cycle. You define billing cycles in Customizing. If the billing cycle is basedon a billing procedure>, you also have toenter or select the relevant billing procedure.
- End of billing period>:
You can use the input help (F4) to determine a valid end of the billingperiod for the specified billing cycle. In order for the report to be able to generate billing orders for allexisting contract accounts and their billing accounts, the followingconditions must be met:
- The end of the billing period must lie within the validity period of the
billing accounts. >
- The specified billing cycle must be allocated to the billing accounts at
the end of the billing period.
- The billing accounts must not yet have been billed at the end of the
billing period. >
- No billing orders must yet exist for the end of the billing period, the
billing cycle, or the billing group.Standard_variants An SAP standard variant exists for the report. You can use this variantto hide other selection parameters. In addition to the selection parameters mentioned above, you canrestrict the generation of billing orders for billing accounts>and contract accounts>. Although these selection criteria limit the number of billing ordersgenerated, you should not expect shorter runtimes in the productivesystem>. Therefore, it only makes sense to limit the number of billingorders to specific billing accounts and contract accounts in specialcases.Activities Once you have successfully generated billing orders for a billing cycleand an end of the billing period, the system displays how many billingorders were generated with these parameters. You can choose the Log> pushbutton to display the application log.Example A contract account with the following billing accounts exists in thesystem:
- Contract account: VKONT1> (Business partner: GPART1>)>
Billing account:> ABRKONT1>, Billing cycle: 0001> Billing group: 001> Billing account:> ABRKONT2> Billing cycle: 0002> Billing group: 001> Billing account: >ABRKONT3> Billing cycle: 0001> Billing group: 001> Billing account: >ABRKONT4> billing cycle: 0001> Billing group: 002> You execute the Generate Billing Orders> report with the valuesBilling Cycle 0001> >and End of Billing Period31.01.2006>>. The following billing orders are generated forcontract account VKONT1:
- Billing order 1>
Contract account: VKONT1> Billing cycle: 0001> Billing date: 31.01.2006 23:59:59> Billing group: 001> Business partner: GPART1> Billing order type: 01 - Periodic>
- Billing order 2>
Contract account: VKONT1> Billing cycle: 0001> Billing date: 31.01.2006 23:59:59> billing group: 002> Business partner: GPART1> Billing order type: 01 - Periodic> The billing accounts ABRKONT1 and ABRKONT3 are billed during billing forbilling order 1. Billing account ABRKONT4 is billed during billing forbilling order 2. To generate a billing order for billing account ABRKONT2, you mustexecute the program with billing cycle >0002 >>and avalid end of the billing period for this cycle >.