SAP Program RFKKBI_BILLPROC_LOG - Log Billing Procedures

You can use this report to log the definition of billing procedures. Thelogging of billing procedures is required if you want to use them tobill contract accounts.
Logging the billing procedures protects the Customizing definitions forbilling procedures against inconsistent changes. If inconsistent changesare made in Customizing for the billing procedures, billing is no longerpossible. This ensures that the Customizing for a billing procedureremains valid for billings already executed using this billingprocedure.
Consistent changes in Customizing to logged billing procedures arepermitted, but also have to be logged before they are used in billing.
The system logs the following definitions for a billing procedure:

  • Definition of the billing procedure in table TFK8028

  • The billing period types assigned to the billing procedure in table
  • TFK8029
    • The billing rate categories assigned to the billing procedure in table
    • TFK8020
      • The combinations of billing period types and billing account item types
      • assigned to the billing rate category of the billing procedure in tableTFK8031.
        • The EDR types in table TFK8002 that are assigned to the billing account
        • item types contained in thes combinations.
          The following consistent changes to billing procedure that have alreadybeen logged are permitted:
          • You can assign a new billing rate category to the billing procedure in
          • table TFK8020. You can then assign the billing account item types to beexecuted to this billing rate category in table TFK8031, depending onthe billing period type.

            Note that the assignment of a billing procedure results in the billingof a contract account from the billing cycle assigned to the relevantbilling accounts.

            A prerequisite for logging the billing procedure is that you have madeall the necessary Customizing settings for the billing procedure. Seethe definitions described above which have to be logged for the billingprocedure.

            You can execute logging for individual billing procedures. Use theBilling Procedure selection parameter for this purpose. Asstandard, logging is executed for all billing procedures defined in thesystem.
            In simulation mode, you can check whether there are any billingprocedures to be logged. You use the Simulation parameter tocontrol simulation mode. Logging is executed in simulation mode asstandard.

            As a result, you get an overview of the number of billing proceduresthat have already been logged and that are still to be logged. You cancheck the status of the logging for each billing procedure in anapplication log.

            You want to implement a new billing procedure in a production system.First, make all the Customizing settings for the billing procedure. Thisincludes defining the billing procedure, as well as the billing periodtypes assigned to it, the billing rate categories, the billing accountitem types assigned to the billing rate category for each billing periodtype, and the EDR types assigned to the billing account item types.
            You use this report to log the billing procedure, thus allowing it to beused in billing.
            After some time, you want to implement a new billing rate category forthe billing procedure already in use. To do this, define the billingrate category, assign it to the billing procedure, and define thebilling account item types to be executed for each billing period type.
            Before you can continue using the changed definition of the billingprocedure in billing, you have to log the change using this report. Oncethis is complete, you can use the billing procedure again in billing.