Purpose You can use this report to analyze raw data in preparation for itsfurther processing. Prerequisites You have authorization to run the report (authorization objectF_KKBIXMON>). You have authorization for exception handling (excepting and restoringitems) (authorization object F_KKBIXEXC>). You have authorization for transferring raw data into billable items(authorization object F_KKBIXBIT>).Activities Restrict the selection by entering parameters for the report on theinitial screen. You can add additional parameters to the selection by choosing the Further Selections> pushbutton. You can add fields to the selection or remove them by choosing thepushbuttons @0E@ Copy Selected> or @11@ Delete Selection>. By choosing the pushbuttons Individual Values> and Intervals >, you can choose the form in which you enter the selection values. Once you have chosen and made entries in the fields you want, save yourentries. By choosing the Number of Items> pushbutton, you can displaystatistical information about billable item classes based on theselection parameters you entered. Run the report. The system displays the items in ALV lists, separatedaccording to their record type> on the followingtab pages: Main Items> Payment Data Items> Tax Items> Select items in the list in order to process them. It is possible toselect several items at once. Then the following processing functionsare available in the toolbar: @42@ (Refresh>) If you choose this pushbutton, the report selects the data from thedatabase again using the current selection criteria and updates the listaccordingly. @0Z@ (Change>) If you choose this pushbutton, the selected items are offered in a newlist where you can change them. @KG@ All for Src.Trans.> (Select All Items for SourceTransaction>) If you choose this pushbutton, the report selects all items for thesource transaction of the selected item and displays them in a new list.When doing so, the system does not take the current selection criteriainto account. @96@ Exception History> If you choose this pushbutton, the report displays the exception historyof the selected item in a list. @8Y@ Except> (Except Items>) (only for status raw) If you choose this pushbutton, then the report excepts the selecteditems. This means that the items are placed in the table for exceptedraw data. A dialog appears where the system asks for a reason for theexception. @8X@ Restore> (Restore Items>) (only for status excepted) If you choose this pushbutton, then the report restores the selecteditems. This means that the report places the items in the table for rawdata. A dialog appears where the system asks for a reason for restoringthe item. @KB@ Transfer> If you choose this pushbutton, then the report transfers the selecteditems into billable items. This means that as long as the check issuccessful, the report places the items in the table for billable items. @8Z@ Simulate Transfer> If you choose this pushbutton, then the report simulates the transfer ofthe selected items into billable items. The system displays the resultof this simulation. See the log for more details. Note> For the functions change, except, restore, and during the transfer, thenumber of items to be processed can be greater than the number ofselected items, since the system considers dependencies among the items.Standard_variants You can change the layout in the output list. You can create your ownstandard variants or make variants available for other users. |