SAP Program RFKKBIXBIT4DELETE - Delete Billed Items

The system saves billed items in a separate tablefor each billable item class and groups these tablesinto table sets. The system sequentiallynumbers the table sets that exist for a billable item class.
This report deletes billed items from these tablesacross all clients. The system selects the items using the tablein which they are stored (in other words, from the combination of thebillable item class and thetable set of the table.)

You can delete a table set if it meets the following criteria:

  • All billed items of the table set have been invoiced.

  • The billed items have reached the residence
  • time that you entered in the selection screen. This requirement ismet if the number of days elapsed since the creation
    of the billable item is greater than the residence time. The checkof the residence time is a cross-client check.
    These prerequisites do not apply for simulated data.
    The table set is not allowed to be being used currently for storingbilled items. You make this setting in Customizing for Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable under Integration -> Billing in ContractAccounts Receivable and Payable -> Billable Item Management ->Make Settings for Data Storage.

    Before the items are deleted, you can display an overview of the tablesthat exist for a given billable item class. To do so, choose the
    @PO@ Tables (Overview of Tables of Class) pushbutton in thetoolbar. To see at glance the approximate size of the tables of a tableset (in bytes), click on the table set. The system analyzes the size ofthe primary key (in bytes), the size of the data part (in bytes), aswell as the number of entries in the given table.
    The system logs the deletion of billed items. By choosing the @DH@History (Display Deletion History) pushbutton, you can see thelog of the deletion transactions for the given billable item class.
    If you start the report in test mode, no changes are made to thedatabase. Changes are made to the database only if you start the reportin update mode.

    To display the tables that exist for a billable item class:
    Enter the billable item class.
    Choose the @PO@ Tables (Overview of Tables of Class)pushbutton in the toolbar.
    RESET N1
    To display the size of tables that exist for a billable item class:
    Enter the billable item class.
    Choose the @PO@ Tables (Overview of Tables of Class)pushbutton in the toolbar. Click on a table set to see detailedinformation about the tables of the table set.
    RESET N1
    To delete tables of billed items:
    Enter the billable items; as an option (not required), you can alsoenter the table set you want to delete.
    You can enter the table set directly, or you can select it using theinput help.
    Then enter the residence time that the billable items need to havereached before they can be deleted.
    The system can determine the residence time using your Customizingsettings; or you can enter a comparison date manually. You can useeither the billing date or the invoicing date as a comparison date.
    If you manually enter a comparison date that conflicts with the datecalculated in Customizing (for instance, the manual date is later), thenthe program automatically corrects your entry so that the residence timeentered in Customizing remains in effect.
    You want to delete data on July 16. You enter July 15 as a differentto-date. However, the minimum residence time entered in Customizing is10 days. Therefore, the system automatically changes your entry of July15 to July 5.
    Run the report.