Description Belgium : Open items for foreign customers This program creates the BLIW report from the open items of all foreigncustomers. This report should be sent to the IBLC/BLIW institute eachmonth. Only the message for report type '90' is supported. The items affectedcan be restricted by business area or division. Output Total per currency/country (group)> The system creates a title-page and a table per company code in theofficial format. Each program run is for companies in Luxembourg or Belgium. (This can beselected using the corresponding parameters). The first columns always contain BEF/LUF documents. The last column'OTH' contains the values in the local currency (BEF or LUF) of allcurrencies that are not listed separately. These values are shown in BEF and LUF in the detail reports and theoriginal currency are also displayed. The ISO country codes are printed; the values are as follows for thegroups (01.. 12) (the original country is displayed on the detailreport): 01: AM, AZ, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UA, UZ 02: AL, BA, BG, HR, CZ, EE, HU, LT, MK, PL, RO, SK, SI, LV 03: AD, CY, GI, LI, MT, MC, SM, VA 04: EC, VE 05: DZ, GA, LY, NG 06: IR, IQ, KW, GA, SA, AE 07: AI, AW, BS, BM, BO, BR, VG, KY, CL, CO, CR, CU, SV, GT, HN, AN, NI, PA,PE, TC, AG, AR, BB, BZ, DM, DO, FK, GD, GY, HT, JM, PY, KN, LC, VC, SR,TT, UY, VI 08: BJ, BF, CM, CV, CF, TD, EG, GM, GH, CI, LR, ML, MR, MA, NG, SN, SL, SD, TG, TN, ZR, AO, IO, BI, KM, CG, DJ, GQ, ET,KE, MG, MW, MV, MZ, RW, ST, SC, SO, SH, TZ, UG, ZW, ZM 09: AF, BH, BD, BT, BN, KH, CN, GE, IN, IL, JO, LA, LB, MV, MN, MM, NP, KP, OM, PK, LK, SY, VN, YE 10: UM, AU, FJ, KI, NR, UM, NZ, PG, PN, PL, SB, TO, TU, VU, WS 11: HK, TW, KR 12: MY, PH, TH Detail list with all selected lines> The report issues a total amount per currency. The detail list displays the values of the selected documents in thedocument currency. The table contains the values in units of 1000 of thecorresponding currency. Amounts less than 1000 currency units are onlyshown in the detail list and appear in the table with a value of 0. Terms of delivery:> The estimated percentage value of the terms of delivery should bespecified on the cover sheet in the corresponding parameters. The total value will be compared with 100%. Necessary settings> 1. ISO codes used: Country codes (country table) Currency codes (currency definition table) 2. The company code, address and tax number must be available (global company code parameters) |