Purpose You use this report to generate sales andperception> files fordocuments posted in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable>(FI-CA) that correspond to value-added tax (VAT) operations. In Argentina, companies submit these magnetic files to the tax authority , Dirección General Impositiva (DGI), on a monthly basis or upon request , in accordance with General Resolution 1361/02.Integration This report is based on the Daily VAT Report> (withmagnetic output) in Financial Accounting> (FI).Prerequisites INCLUDE FICA_AR_SALES_TAX_REQ OBJECT DOKU ID TX In addition, you need to make the following Customizing settings:
- Define the currency class DAILYVAT, under Financial Accounting> >
Bank Accounting> > Business Transactions> > PaymentTransactions> > Electronic Bank Statement> >Create Currency Classes>, and subsequentlyenter all corresponding currency codes for each system currency key thatyou use for document entry (in the activity,Define Currency Classes>).
- Enter print authorization codes (PACs), under Cross-Application
Components> > General Application Functions> >Cross-Application Document Numbering> > Argentina> >Define Print Authorization Codes >. Your self-issueddocuments must contain a PAC or a 'C', 'C' meaning the business place issubject to a fiscal controller. INCLUDE FICA_AR_TAX_REPORTS_TEXT2 OBJECT DOKU ID TXSelection You can specify the following information on the report selectionscreen:
- Company code (single one only)
- The dates which the report is to cover
The reporting date refers to the invoice posting date; the reportincludes all documents with anofficial document number>that were issues during the specified interval, regardless of when theactual tax obligation arises.
- A range of official document numbers
Output The output files display all the information contained in the output ofthe standard FI report with magnetic output; for details, refer tothis documentation>).