trados = fiDescription Report RFKKAR33> carries out the first step in archiving revenuedistribution in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA):Creation of an archive. Report RFKKAR34> carries out the second step: Deletionof the entries in the revenue distribution table based on the previouslycreated archive. The archiving objec>t is FI_MKKREVD.> INCLUDE FICA_AR_SARA_AOBJ OBJECT DOKU ID TX The program tests the status of the revenue distribution table andarchives it if all checks for archivibility are fulfilled.Notes In the case of enhanced revenue distribution, the final recipient andthe number of the distribution document (document number selectionoption) are not used and must remain initial. The revenue distribution is based on the database table DFKKRDI>and, in the case of enhanced revenue distribution, database tablesDFKKRDI_RATE> and DFKKRDI_AGGRF>. Table DFKKRDI_AGGRF>is written to the archive as a copy so that the archive isself-explanatory, but it remains in the database. |