SAP Program RFKKABS3 - Production Startup

This program deletes test data prior to productive start or countslines that should be deleted if the field test run is selected.
If you have selected the field all company codes, the systemwill not perform a check of the company codes which means that allcompany codes created in this client will be included in the companycode selection.
The system carries out the following steps for every company codespecified:
Via Event 0900, this program informs other applications that data forthe company code is being deleted.
This program deletes the items from all documents in the company code.If a document contains no more items, the document header is alsodeleted. The system informs other applications of this via Events 0902(header), 0903 (partner items) and 0904 (G/L account items).
It deletes all posting totals for the company code.
It deletes the reconciliation key control information that is dependenton the company code. If there are no more documents for a givenreconciliation key, the system deletes the reconciliation key as well.
This program informs other applications (via Event 0901) that deletionis over.

None of the company codes specified must be marked asproductive. Only data for those company codes that are not productiveis deleted (see the IMG menu path Financial Accounting -> FinancialAccounting Global Settings -> Company Code ->Set Company Code to Productive).

The list contains all tables from which data was deleted, the number oflines deleted (or lines that should be deleted) and the number oferrors (locks or database problems).