trados = docu -> fi -> fibpPurpose You can use this report to enhance the functions of the ItemInterest Calculation> (report RFINTITAR>).Features
- You can include additional fields in the display structure: These fields
are then available in the overview of the items on which interest hasbeen calculated, both on the screen and in the form.
- You can include additional fields in the calculation structure: If you
need additional information from the document for the BAdIs in theinterest calculation, you can add the relevant fields to the calculationstructure.
- With this report, you can also remove fields from the display or
calculation structure, or reset these structures to their originalvalues.
- You can include additional parameters and selection options on the
selection screen. These are not considered in the report ItemInterest Calculation>; however, they are transferred to the BAdIs sothat they can be used for customer-defined adjustments.