trados = docu -> fi -> fibpPurpose You use this report to create an interest on arrears debit for items ina customer account that have not yet been paid or that were paid toolate. You can also create an interest credit for items paid before thedue date. You can post the interest due in Accounting. In addition, you can create and print letters to customers, as well asan overview of items that have been subject to interest. This report replaces the standardCalculation of Interest on Arrears> forcustomers (report RFDUZI00>).Differences to Report RFDUZI00 The new report contains the following changes and enhancements:
- The selection screen has been simplified; several of the selection
criteria have been transferred to Customizing for the interestindicator.
- Using report RFINTITUSERXT>,
you can insert additional selection criteriain the interest calculation. You can also use this report to defineadditional fields to be displayed on the form.
- The form is now created with Smart Forms (previously: SAPscript).
- The interest posting is no longer triggered by running a batch input
session; the report posts the interest documents directly via theAccounting interface. This means that the document number for theinterest posting can also be displayed on the form.
- The results of the interest calculation are created in detail on the
database (tables INTITHE and INTITIT). You have the following options: You can use report RFINTITSHOW>to view the interest runs that have beencarried out. You can print interest runs. You can reverse or report individual interest postings or completeinterest runs.
- If you start the program as test run instead of an update run, an
overview of the items on which interest is to be calculated appears inthe ABAP List Viewer> (ALV). To display the items on which no interest is to be calculated, deletethe ALV filter. Double-click on the individual items to view the detailed information.
- You can also calculate interest on items from assigned vendors.
- Branch-head office relationships are taken into account.
- Calculation using interest calculation numerators is no longer
- You have defined an interest indicator for the interest calculation type
P> (item interest calculation) and made all other relevantspecifications. For more information, see the Implementation Guide for FinancialAccounting under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->BusinessTransactions -> Interest Calculation -> Interest Calculation GlobalSettings> -> Define Interest CalculationTypes>. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF
- In Customizing for the interest indicator you have made the required
specifications, for example, whether the interest is to be posted andwhether forms are to be printed. For more information, see the Implementation Guide for FinancialAccounting under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->BusinessTransactions -> Interest Calculation -> Interest Calculation GlobalSettings -> Prepare Item InterestCalculation>>.
- You have defined the required interest indicator in the master records
of the customers concerned.
- You have defined the conditions for your interest indicators.
For more information, see the Implementation Guide for FinancialAccounting under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->BusinessTransactions -> Interest Calculation -> Interest Calculation> ->Define Time-Dependent Conditions>.Note that thefield Amount From> is not used in the item interest calculation. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF
- To send a letter, you have to create a Smart Form to be used for the
interest calculation and then define it in the system. Define your own forms if necessary. You can use the standard form F_INTITAR_SF as copy template. Define the names of the forms for your interest indicators. For more information, see the Implementation Guide for FinancialAccounting under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->BusinessTransactions -> Interest Calculation -> Print> ->Define Forms for Interest Indicators>. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF
- You have defined the account determination for posting the interest and
defined the document type to be used. You make the relevant settings inthe Implementation Guide for Financial Accounting under AccountsReceivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> InterestCalculation Interest Posting ->Prepare Calculation of Interest onArrears for Customers>>. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Funktion ausführen> ENDIF To make the following entries, in the menu choose Goto> and then: Control> The account determination takes place via theposting interface> of theapplication 0002> (calculation of interest on arrears). Define which account determination keys are used. For the accountdetermination key Business Transaction>,define 1000> (interestrevenue) and 2000> (interest expense). The other accountdeterminationkeys are optional. Accounts> Enter the complete G/L account assignment (interest revenue or interestexpense). For the debit or credit posting to the customer account, youonly need the posting key. If you make an entry in the fieldG/L Account>in the account assignment for customers, this results in a posting withthe account entered as (alternative) reconciliation account. Document Type> Define the document type for posting the interest. Note that the interest cannot be entered as a held item.Process Flow and Specifications for the Interest Calculation You select the items on which interest is to be calculated using thesettings for the interest indicator. In addition, general selections> apply. Only the following itemsare considered:
- Items that have been posted to a customer account whose master record
contains an interest calculation indicator
- Items that are not blocked for interest calculation
- Items that do not contain a cash discount amount
- Items whose posting date is before or the same as the upper limit of the
selection period The following settings for the interest indicator> are decisivefor the item selection. For more information, see the Implementation Guide for FinancialAccounting under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->BusinessTransactions -> Interest Calculation -> Interest Calculation GlobalSettings> -> Prepare ItemInterest Calculation>.
- Open Items>
Interest is calculated on items that are currently open. Interest iscalculated on these items up to the upper limit of the calculationperiod. Interest is not calculated on open items that are due after the upperlimit of the calculation period. (Exception: See selection criterion:Calculate Interest on Bill ofExchange in Advance>)
- All Cleared Items>
Interest is calculated on all cleared items whose clearing date (postingdate of clearing) is before or equal to the upper limit of thecalculation period. Interest is calculated on items whose clearing dateis after the upper limit of the calculation period if interest is alsocalculated on open items. Items whose clearing date is before or equal to the key date for thelast interest calculation as entered in the account master record (upperlimit of the last interest calculation) are not selected as they havealready been completely subject to interest. See also the selection criterion:Cleared Documents From>.
- Items Cleared by Payments>
Only clearing transactions that contain a payment are considered. Thismeans that you do not have to consider clearing transactions thatcontain only invoices, credit memos, and offsetting items.
- No Cleared Items>
No cleared items are selected, regardless of when the clearing date is.
- Reference Date>
The basis for calculating interest on a receivable is the time from thedue date for net payment to clearing. As an alternative to the due date for net payment, in the fieldReference Date>, you can also select the document date,the posting date,or the baseline date for payment. Interest is calculated on the items upto the selected reference date for the clearing document. If theclearing document has no items, interest is calculated up to theclearing date (posting date for clearing). Interest is calculated onopen items up to the upper limit of the calculation period. If, in the report itself, in the screen area Performance>,you select theindicator Payment with Bill of Exchange Possible>and accordingly,Calculate Interest on Bill of Exchange in Advance>,special treatment isactivated for bills of exchange.
- Always Calculate Interest from Due Date for Net Payment>
If you select this indicator, for each new interest run, interest iscalculated on all items from the selected reference date. Otherwise,interest is calculated on items that have already been subject tointerest from the date to which they were subject to interest in thelast interest run. Therefore, setting this indicator means that interestis calculated on items more than once for the same period. If interestis not calculated on any open items, the indicator has no effect. Thisis because items that were already cleared by the last interest run arenot subject to interest again.
- Transfer Days>
The transfer days are the days that a payment potentially requires toreach the payee from the payer (for example, processing time at the bankfor the payment transfer). The transfer days are deducted from thereference date of incoming payments. The system cannot access the valuedate stored in the bank line of an incoming payment for performancereasons. Transfer days only apply to incoming payments.
- Factory Calendar ID>
The factory calendar defines which days are deemed to be non-workingdays. If the due date for a receivable is a non-working day, the duedate is deemed to be the next working day. If an incoming payment isreceived on a non-working day as a result of the transfer days, theincoming payment is deemed to be received on the previous working day.
- Tolerance Days>
If an item is overdue, and interest is to be calculated, the number ofdays in arrears is compared with the number of tolerance days. If thenumber of days in arrears is less than or equal to the number oftolerance days, no interest is calculated on the item.
- Also Calculate Interest on Items Paid before the Due Date>
If you select this indicator, interest is also calculated for items paidbefore the due date if the items were paid without cash discount beinggranted. Credit interest is calculated for debit items, and debitinterest is calculated for credit items. Interest is calculated on partial payments made and down paymentclearing carried out before the invoice is due from the reference dateif this field is selected. Otherwise, interest is only calculated fromthe due date of the invoice.
- Only Calculate Interest on Debit Items>
Setting this indicator has the effect that interest is not calculated oncredit items. If the field is not selected, the credit item is treated like a debititem; interest is calculated with the same interest rate. Reason: If thecredit memo is not cleared against the invoice immediately, both theinvoice and the credit memo are #overdue# and cancel each other out forinterest purposes. If you require a different logic to decide whether debit or creditinterest rates are to be applied, you can implement this yourself in theBAdI FI_INT_CUS01 in the method GET_INT_SIGN.Calculation of Days for which Interest Is to be Calculated If an item qualifies for the interest calculation according to thecriteria described above, then the system first calculates the days inarrears depending on the calendar type defined for the interest indic ator. If the calendar type is Gregorian or French, the exact number ofdays is calculated. If you have selected the bank calendar or theJapanese calendar, the number of days is calculated according to thebank calendar that is standard in Germany. In the bank calendar, a monthhas 30 days. Depending on the calendar type, the year has a different number of days:For the bank calendar and French calendar the assumption is 360 days;for the Gregorian and Japanese calendar, the exact number of days iscalculated. Interest Rate Definition and Determination The interest is usually calculated with the reference interest ratesdefined in the system. You define the interest rates in the key fieldsInterest Reference>, Currency>, and Date>(from which the interest rate isto be valid). The system determines the interest rates valid for a specific item viaconditions. You define these conditions in the system in the key fieldsInterest Indicator>, Currency>, and Date>(from which the condition isvalid) and a sequential number for the interest reference valid. The final interest rate is determined via a function module (as standardthe function modules DEBIT_INT_RATE_DETERMINE orCREDIT_INT_RATE_DETERMINE). The supplement or deduction specified forthe interest indicator is added (or subtracted, respectively) to thereference interest. If the interest rates are to be determined using other function modules,you can assign these in transaction OB85. Alternatively, you can use theBAdI INT_CHANGE_ITEMS to assign interest rates to the item. The BAdIsare explained below.Calculation of Interest In the standard, interest is calculated on a linear basis. If you wantto use a different formula, you can use method INT_FORMULA of the BAdIFI_INT_CUS01. Amount Limit and No Interest Credit In order to decide whether an interest settlement is to be created, theinterest is calculated for all items. If the interest amount determinedfor each interest letter is less than the amount limit defined for theinterest indicator, no interest debit is created. If a credit interest amount that is at least equal to the amount limitarises, no interest settlement is created as long as the indicatorNoInterest Credit> is selected.Posting the Interest The account determination is explained above. In the interest indicator,you can also define the terms of payment and the tax on sales/purchasescode to be used to post the interest. If you have selected the indicatorPosting with Invoice Reference>, areference to the items on which interest has been calculated is enteredin all interest postings. The invoice reference type here is F>.In thecalculation of interest on items that themselves refer to an invoice(entry in field REBZG), the interest documents refer to the originalinvoice. If you want these interest documents to have certain characteristics ofthe documents on which interest has been calculated, enter thecorresponding characteristics in theTransfer Content> fields. If thecharacteristics that you require are not offered, you can enhance thedisplay structure accordingly using the reportEnhancement of the ItemInterest Calculation> (RFINTITUSEREXT>).Output You can create a letter with a list of items for each customer, currency , and one other grouping criterion. If you start the report as a testrun, you see an overview of all the items on which interest has beencalculated. If errors occur, you see an error log. Overview of Items If you select the indicator Test Run>, then an overview ofthe items onwhich interest is to be calculated appears. The SAP standard ALV variantis configured such that items for which no interest is due are notdisplayed. You can double-click on the individual items to see thedetailed information for the interest calculation for the individualitems. You can also post and print from the overview list.Error Log If errors occurred during the processing, the report issues an errorlog. The following errors can occur:
- The system does not find the form in the language of the customer.
Instead, the form language used is specified.