SAP Program RFID_BR_TRBAL - Balance Sheet Transfer (Brazil)


This report is used to transfer post long-term loan positions tocorresponding short-term positions for the purposes of monthlyreporting in Brazil. This involves transfer posting the incomingrepayments expected in the report period to a short-term loan accountand so removing these repayments from the balance of the long-term loanaccount. The date of the transfer posting can be any date chosen by theuser, the appropriate reverse posting is made on the following day.

Selection Screen
Required entry variables:
The company code for which the report is executed.
The flow type to be used for the transfer posting. The flow typecontains the posting key and the account determination.
A report interval in which you select the repayments. The start of thereport interval may not be in the future, however, the end date must bein the future.
Optional entry variables:
An indicator for a program test run. In this case the program isexecuted without making the relevant postings.
Restriction of the product types for selection.
Restriction of the account assignment references for selection.
Restriction of the general ledger accounts for selection. The selectiononly includes general ledger accounts that can be assigned an accountassignment reference.
Restriction of the contract currencies for selection.
Restriction of the business partners for selection (borrowers, forexample).
Restriction of the loans for selection.
Restriction of the entry clerks for selection.

You receive a list of processed contracts with the relevant data and anexplanatory text for the transfer posting with details of any errors orsuccess messages. You can adjust this list to suit your ownrequirements.
Contracts are only transfer posted if the date of the last transferposting falls before the current transfer posting. Nevertheless, inorder to correct incorrect transfer postings (such as those with anincorrect report period), you can enter your user name in the variable'suser' within the include 'RFSUBTR'; this allows you to repeat thetransfer posting on any date. However, in doing so you should ensurethat account balances are not falsified by multiple postings on thesame or on the following day. For security reasons, you are advised todelete the entry in the variable 'suser' after the correction, toguarantee that the postings are checked by the program.
You can go directly to a contract by double-clicking on the contractnumber.

You maintain the settings required for the transfer posting togetherwith the flow type in the selection screen in the IMG via Treasury ->Treasury Management -> Loans -> Functions -> Accounting -> GeneralLedger Update -> Account Determination( Execute Function
) Enter the posting rule as a payment transaction from category '1'and as loans given (long-term loans to short-term loans). You do notneed a new posting rule for loans taken.
