SAP Program RFIDPH_ARCHIVE_READ - Reload Program for Official Receipt Archives (Philippines)

You use this report to reload archives containing official receipts.The receipts can be reloaded if they have been archived using theArchiving of Official Receipts(Philippines) report and then deleted using theDeletion of Official Receipts(Philippines) report. (This is the case when the archiving wasperformed via Archive Management using the archivingobject PH_PARCT.)
There is no way of distinguishing between reloaded official receiptsand any others.
This report retrieves all the data from the chosen archiving files.After you have reloaded a file, you cannot access it anymore. Youcannot select certain parts of an archiving file. When you run thereport, the system displays a list of all existing archive files forofficial receipts. You can then choose which ones you want.
This report is usually run as in the background (by theArchive Management, using the archiving objectPH_PARCT).

After you archived the official receipts, you must have deleted them.This happens automatically if you use the archive management functions.Otherwise, the following problems could occur:

  • The reloading program might not be able to find any files to reload.

  • The same data might be archived several times. If entries in the
  • database and in the archive have identical primary keys, you cannotreload the data. Therefore the data from the archive will be lost.


    The system reloads the archived data back into the system, unless youhave run the report in test mode.


    Deletion of Old Files
    Although the old archive file is not accessible after reloading, it isnot physically deleted. It stays in the file system. Once a lot offiles have been reloaded, the capacity of the archive system might beexhausted. In this case, the system administrator must delete any oldarchive files that have already have been reloaded. You can check the afile's status in table ADMI_FILES where the entry STATUS_FIL shows thestatus of each individual archive run. You can delete all files withthe status RELOADED. The corresponding physical file is given in theentry FILENAME. In addition, files with OBJ_COUNT = 0 can also bedeleted. (These files are created, for example, when the chosenselection criteria of a archiving run are not fulfilled by any data.The archive file is therefore empty and are of no use.)