SAP Program RFIDNLWKA1 - Change Payment Block And Payment Method

This report can be used:
1) to block / unblock the payment of open line items.
Before the payment program is run, the payment date needs to becompared
with the dates of the certificates which are entered in the masterdata
of the chain liability client (Last date of payment for the social
security contributions and income taxes; last check of traderegister
certificate; work relationship date; date of posting to lockedaccount).
If the payment date is higher than any of these five dates, thepayment
needs to be blocked. This system behavior is only necessary forpayments
to the locked account of the sub-contractor. In this case, thepayment
items to his/her regular account should be also blocked.
If the payment date is lower than each of these five dates, the report
can be used to remove the payment block key from the single line item.
2) to modify the payment method of the open items.
The user can enter on the selection screen different Partner bank types,
but exactly one Payment method: this value will be used to overwrite the
payment method of the single line item when the partner bank type of the
line item is one of the previously entered partner bank types.

This report needs to be run before the payment program is executed.

For each company code subject to the chain liability process a chain
liability method should be maintained in the global settings of this
company code. Furthermore a payment block key need to be assigned to
this method in the table TWKAMET.

It is mandatory to select at least a company code.
If no tax group categories are selected, the checks of the validitydates
are not performed.
If no Partner bank types are selected, the payment methods of the line
items are not modified.

The program will update the relevant database tables only if the
corresponding indicator is marked. If this indicator is not marked the
program will just produce a list of the modified fields.