Description This report prints the tax invoices for goods movements between twobusiness places, using the clearing documents created by reportRFIDKRTCIB. It fills out the fields in SAPscript form FTIV_KR_IBP andprints them on the preprinted tax invoice forms. Precondition To print the tax invoice forms correctly, you must maintain theaddresses of the business places involved. Before you run this report, you must run report RFIDKRTCIB to selectand clear both the open items. Output The report prints the tax invoices for the selected clearing items. Theaddresses of both business places involved are printed on the form, asare the total base amount and the total tax amount. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 123 45 67890 098 76 54321 Samsung D Mr. Lee Daewoo Mr. Park Seoul St., Seoul, 6919 Test, test, 12345 Seoul Service Programmi Manufactu Automobil 980907 6 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 |