SAP Program RFHABU10 - General Ledger Corresponding Accounts (Russia)

This program determines, on the basis of the FI document database, thetotal balance of line items for 'corresponding accounts'.
You can determine corresponding accounts for both your operationalchart of accounts and your alternative chart of accounts.
You can select items by posting period, company code, business area andthe G/L account number.
The corresponding accounts are determined on the basis of the businessarea and the full length of the G/L account numbers.
Based on the accounts thus determined, the program then determines thecorresponding accounts for the first n characters of the G/L accountnumber (you can change this number of characters via the summationlevel parameter, i.e. "2" for Russia, "3" for the Ukraine).
When the list of results from the report is displayed onscreen, you canselect a corresponding account with the cursor and display a list ofthe original documents for this account.
It is also possible to enter a parameter in the selection screen tospecify that the individual documents should be output in the listitself. This will enable you to check how the corresponding accountswere determined by viewing the individual documents yourself.
In FI documents that were identified by the program as reversedocuments, the debit and credit items are switched and the items with aminus sign (minus postings) are read by the program.
The relationship between accounts in the FI documents is determinedaccording to the following algorithm:

  • The items in a document are read and a running balance is calculated.
  • If this balance is zero, the program determines a 'main account' fromthe items read thus far. All the other accounts in these items aredesignated as 'corresponding accounts', i.e. the items on theseaccounts are viewed in conjunction with those on the appropriate mainaccount.
    • Items which have the same G/L account are grouped together and the
    • amounts in these items totaled.
      • The main account is determined on the basis of the account type in the
      • line items:
        If the document contains only a single credit or debit posting, thenthe account posted to is taken as the main account. If this is not thecase but the document nevertheless contains a customer reconciliationaccount, then this becomes the main account.
        If the document contains a vendor reconciliation account instead, thenthis account is designated as the main account.
        Should the document contain neither of the above two accounts butinstead a GR/IR account, this becomes the main account.
        If this criteria does not apply then the document is not evaluated bythe program at all and an error message is issued.
        • The amounts from letters are totaled in an internal table. Negative
        • amounts are subtracted from the correspondence total.
          Correspondence for G/L accounts is output into three parts:
          • Total credit items

          • Total debit items

          • Account balances

          • All the information in the report is intially displayed for thecomplete G/L account number; this is later reduced to the first ncharacters of the number (according to the specified summation level).


            • The length of G/L account numbers in the chart of accounts being used
            • must be specified in the configuration menu.
              • If you use an alternative chart of accounts, you must enter the length
              • of the alternative G/L account numbers in the selection screen (if thealternative chart of accounts has not been allocated to the companycode in question as a country-specific chart of accounts in your systemconfiguration) (see Implementation Guide, Financial Accounting ->Financial accounting global settings -> Company code -> Check globalparameters -> Details)
                • The type of postings must be such that the system can determine the
                • corresponding accounts using the algorithm described above. Documentsthat cannot be processed must be reversed and then re-entered in a formthat can be processed.
                  • If you want to summarize the generated documents via the accounting
                  • interface, you must first check whether this will prevent them frombeing interpreted by the algorithm mentioned above.