Here you enter the name of the annual report structure (previouslyknown as a financial statement version). The only mode is the structure mode. You can use this to display orchange the annual report structure. The planning and translation modeswill be available after Release 3.0B. Determines whether the structure is shown in change or display mode. If you select Display The annual report structure is presented onscreen as a tree structure.The nodes on the tree are either items or account intervals. Thefollowing basic functions are available in the system for displaying orchanging these objects: By making a The larger the tree, the more difficult it is to gain an overview ofthe nodes and the longer it takes to create the tree on-screen. You canuse the function Changes To generate or change an annual report structure, you can use thefollowing system functions: Place the cursor on the item for which you want to create dependent ornon-dependent items and then select You allocate accounts to an item by placing the cursor on the item inquestion and then selecting By making a You do not have to manually allocate special items. When setting up anew annual report structure which has so far had no special itemsallocated, an item is created in the annual report structure for everyspecial item the first time you maintain each of these items. Once anitem has been designated a special item, this designation cannot laterbe changed. Special items are displayed in a different color in thetree structure. If two special items have been allocated to a Example: In a structure that has been maintained with the old transaction, thespecial items 'Balance sheet profit' and 'Balance sheet loss' were bothallocated to item '20140000 Balance sheet profit/loss'. When the new transaction for this structure is called up, a completelynew item (e.g. 'Balance sheet profit/loss 1') is created directly afterthe '20140000 Balance sheet profit/loss' item. The special item'Balance sheet loss' is allocated to the first 20140000 item and thespecial item 'Balance sheet profit' is allocated to the 'Balance sheetprofit/loss 1' item. However, this does not change the display of the balance sheet (e.g. inRFBILA00) You delete items or accounts from the structure by placing the cursoron the item/account and selecting the You can select or deselect individual nodes with the You can reassign items or accounts by selecting the nodes to bereassigned, then placing the cursor on the target node and finallyselecting the If there is group of accounts whose overall balance you want to bedisplayed under a different item, depending on whether it is a debit ora credit balance, you must define a debit/credit shift between twoitems. Note that you cannot do this unless no accounts have been allocated toeither item OR that exactly the same accounts are allocated to bothitems (on the debit side with one item and on the credit side with theother). Please also refer to the following Release Information |