SAP Program RFGM_OBJ_MAPPER - GM - Posting Object Mapper

The Posting Object Mapper is used to define the related objects in apassthrough funding scenario in Grants Management (GM). Only when arelationship is declared between an incoming grant (externallysponsored) and an outgoing grant (internally sponsored) on the level ofGM account assignment grant, fund, sponsored program, and sponsoredclass, can budget be transferred and accumulated expense be billed backfrom outgoing to incoming GM objects. This process is called the"passthrough process".

The Posting Object Mapper is part of the GM passthrough process. Itdescribes the relationship between incoming grant objects and outgoinggrant objects and is used to control budget transfers as well as billingexpense items on outgoing grants back to the incoming grant.


  • The prerequisite for this mapping is to have an incoming grant and
  • outgoing grant defined as GM master data. Both should have matchingobjects defined.
    • Sponsored classes can only be mapped when they have the same sponsored
    • class type (that is, expense class type or revenue class type).
      • The Object Mapper verifies the assignments during the mapping process.
      • The default is to allow all possible assignments. The verification alsochecks on already performed activities (like budget posting on incominggrant or expense postings on outgoing grant). As a best businesspractice, the mapping should be defined upfront as part of the masterdata setup. The verification process of mapped objects can be enhancedwithin the BADI GM_OM_EXT_CHK.


        • You can display the incoming or outgoing grant.

        • New mapping assignments can only be entered in change mode. In this
        • case, you need to enter both the incoming and outgoing grants.


          • The mapped objects are displayed in an ALV grid. The regular grid
          • functions are available.
            • Entry of new object maps in change mode is supported for the permitted
            • incoming and outgoing object combinations. The selectable combinationsare displayed within individual selection lists. One incoming grantobject combination can be connected to one outgoing grant objectcombination. Outgoing grant combinations can only be connected once.Each assignment is subject to verification.

              Enter incoming and outgoing grants.
              Go to change mode to enter new object mappings.
              Select incoming and outgoing GM account assignments and connect them.
              Verify the object mapping.
              Save the object mapping.