SAP Program RFGMBIL1 - GM Billing and Receivable Reconciliation Report

GM Billing and Receivable Reconciliation Report

The report displays the open or billed items in Grants Management (GM).Items defined as to be billed to the sponsor are collected in multiplebilling runs. The resource-related billing process calculates all openitems at any given time and invoices the open amounts. When the invoiceis created, those open items are changed the status to "billed". Thereare several more status flags which GM billing can handle and those area summarization level in the billing report. The default output list inthe ALV is as follows:

  • Status

  • Shows the billing status. The following statuses are possible:
    - Unbilled
    - Partially billed
    - Full billed
    - Over billed
    - Unknown
    • Date

    • Posting date of the item.
      • RefDocNr

      • Grants Management Reference Document. This field supports the hotkey. Ifyou select it, the program calls up the reference document displayfunctions.
        • VT

        • Value Type
          • Unbilled

          • Unbilled Amount
            • Billed

            • Billed Amount. Note that "billed" only means that an invoice has beencreated and not that it was paid.
              • Currency

              • Grant Currency
                • Text

                • Displays the segment text here.

                  This report uses the ALV List or Grid Viewer. The ALV display is onedimensional, allowing exports into Excel or other reportingenvironments. The standard ALV allows you to choose, change, and savedisplay variants. Fields can be hidden, moved around, and resized. Datacan be sorted, summarized, and filtered on one or more fields. Theswitch between List and Grid is specified in the SETTINGS menu bychoosing SWITCH LIST.

                  The standard selection screen contains the following blocks:
                  ·,,Detail level
                  The object selection section allows you to specify all GM dimensionobjects relevant for billing. The Passthrough flag enables the requestto include billing items of associated outgoing grants.
                  The line items listed in the output list can be choose by the selectioncriterias in the LINE ITEMS block. Open items will only display the openitems to a given grant object or all items billed and unbilled can bespecified. The report can be limited to show data out of the entereddate range or, if nothing is specified, the grant lifetime is defaulted.
                  You need to select one of the options in the detail level block. Summarytotals are generated for the detail level.

                  The report displays the reporting structure GMRBIL. This reportingstructure contains the master data table of the object GMIA andadditional fields used to specify the descriptive text of attributes andbilling related information.
                  Messages occurring during the selection process of the billing data arecollected and available for output when you choose Goto -> Message Log