SAP Program RFGMAVC_REINIT - Re-Initialize Availability Control Ledgers (GM)

This program re-initializes availability controlledgers by deleting entries from the ledger table and reconstructingthem from the corresponding data sources.

This program is only relevant for the componentBudget Control System (BCS)

You should run this program at least:

  • After activating an availability control ledger

  • After changing the filter settings of an availability control ledger in
  • the Customizing
    • After modifying the strategy for deriving the
    • availability control object or after assigning another derivationstrategy in the Customizing activityAssign Attributes for Availability ControlLedger. In this case you must set the indicator Reset Index Table


      You start the program for a distinct FM area and fiscal year. However,the process may be restricted to particular availability control ledgersor to a certain record type.

      You have several options for running this program:
      Reset Index Table
      If you set this indicator, the program also re-initializes the entriesof the index table, which links budget or posting addresses to theircorresponding control objects in an availability control ledger.
      Note: You must set this indicator, if you have changed thestrategy for deriving the availability controlobject in the Customizing.
      Test Run
      If you set this indicator, no records are changed in the database, butall messages are logged as in the productive run.
      Detailed Protocol
      If you set this indicator, all budget or posting lines which causedmessages during the re-initialization process will be displayed.
      Use Parallel Processing
      If you set this indicator, then the process is performed using paralleltasks. This may considerably enhance the performance of the program.
      Note: If you choose the parallel processing mode, you mustspecify a server group.