SAP Program RFGMAB30 - Budget Vs. Commit./Actual Journal

The report displays released and posted budget compared withcommitment/actuals on a line item basis for period-basedencumbrance/actual tracking. The report shows the following for eachgrant:

  • At the Header level:

  • Grant/Fund/Prog./Class
    Depending on the extraction preference selected in the selection screen
    Represents the budget validity period for which budget was reserved,along with the associated spending.
    Summary of the budget amounts released and posted in this timeslice
    • At the Item level:

    • Posting date
      Date to which transactions were assigned
      Ref. Doc
      Reference Document Number. The application allows drilldown into thisdocument.
      Value type of transaction
      Budget Amount
      Status of released and posted budget amounts
      Invoice Transaction
      Invoice Budget Amount
      Status of Budget amount - Invoice amount
      Open Items
      Open items amounts of this transaction
      Available Amount
      Status of Budget amount # Open Items # Status of Invoice Budget Amount

      This report uses the ABAP List Viewer (ALV). The ALV display is twodimensional. By standard ALV allows you to choose, change, and savedisplay variants. Fields can be hidden, moved around, and resized.

      The standard selection screen contains the following blocks:
      ·,,Report Currency
      ·,,Report Extraction
      The Object block contains various selection options. Specifying thegrant will improve the performance. The Passthrough flag allows you toinclude additional information of mapped objects.
      The budget block contains selection information which show theinformation in more detail. The budget version is a required selection.Note that the same budget version is applied to each grant if noindividual grant is specified. Here is an explanation of the availableflag:

      • Subtotal per timeslice

      • The default is for this to be flagged; a summary line is then createdfor each header line after the last item line. The Status column isnot summarized.
        • Show Payments

        • Two additional columns are added which include the payment and paymentstatus.
          • Show All Sponsored Objects:

          • If this is not selected, only the sponsored object combinations whichcontain an transaction amount are shown.
            If this is selected, the program shows each available sponsored objectcombination.
            • Show Validity Periods in Range:

            • The program shows each validity period per grant related to the budgetphase derived from the budget version.

              The report displays the reporting structure GMRABK / GMRABL / GMRABA.These can be described as follows:
              - GMRABK: Describes the keyfield structure.
              - GMRABA: Describes the amounts structure.
              - GMRABL: Describes the detail information of the list.
              The message log is used to collect all messages that occur during a dataselection process