SAP Program RFFODTA1 - Generate Payment Advice Note for List of Payment Document Numbers

The program generates a payment advice note for a group of paymentdocuments to enable a simple, manual clearing of the items in question.
If all documents have been posted in a foreign currency, the paymentadvice note is also created in this currency. You can change this byactivating the "Payment advice note in local currency" checkbox on theselection screen.
If the payment advice note is to be generated from the DMEadministration, it is automatically created in local currency in casethe payment medium contains payments with different foreign currencies.You must ensure that clearing can only be made in the payment advicenote currency.
To display the contents of a payment advice note, use the transaction
The information on the payment documents in question must be storedcorrectly in the system. This happens automatically when the datamedium is created.
The system cannot create any payment advice notes for data that wasgenerated before Release 3.0, as the requisite information for this isnot in the system.
Using this program
To generate a payment advice note for a data medium, you can also usethe function of the same name in DTA-Management. Thisprogram is particularly useful for manual clearing in the U.K:
From Release 3.0 in the U.K. you can store bank transactions withdifferent run dates in a Telepay file.
You can process the account statement by using the DME managementfunction to generate a payment advice note containing all the paymentson the data medium. However, this method is not usually used in theU.K., since the confirmations from the bank are issued per run day butnot for the whole file.
When the Telepay file is generated, therefore, all the payments foreach run day are grouped together and identified by a unique referencenumber.
Example (for u.k.)
A TELEPAY file can contain payment orders for several run dates. Foreach of these dates, the system creates a minimum of one CONTRA record,identified by the descriptor "SAPBACS" and a ten-character referencenumber.
Date: 12/15/199x
Payment to vendor Adams : 1000 USD 12/15/199x
Payment to vendor Blithe: 2000 USD 12/15/199x
Date: 12/17/199x
Payment to vendor Miller: 1100 USD 12/17/199x
Payment to vendor Norman: 2200 USD 12/17/199x
Date: 12.19.199x
Payment to vendor Adams : 1110 USD 12/19/199x
Payment to vendor Miller: 2220 USD 12/19/199x
CONTRA 12/15.199x 3000 USD SAPBACS0000123410
CONTRA 12/17.199x 3300 USD SAPBACS0000123511
CONTRA 12/19.199x 3330 USD SAPBACS0000123612
After the bank has made the payments for a certain day, the referencenumber for this day is sent to the payer. To facilitate the clearing ofthe items involved you can then use program RFFODTA1 to generate apayment advice for the items that were paid.
Thus payment advice note number 070000123511 was created for referencenumber "0000123511", and it includes the items from the 17th December.When the outgoing payment of 3300 USD is posted, the items affected areautomatically selected on the basis of the payment advice note numberthat you enter.