SAP Program RFFMVCORJ - Yearly Input Tax Adjustment for Public-Owned Commercial Operation

Annual Input Tax Adjustments for Public-Owned Commercial Operations

This program determines input tax adjustment values for the whole yearfor each FM account assignment for the public-owned commercial operation(PCO) selected.
The program calculates the adjustment amounts on the basis of the annualtax input adjustment rates and sales of the whole year for the input taxadjustments that are still to be corrected. Monthly adjustments thatwere already made are included in this. If no monthly adjustments weremade, the program determines the authorizations for the whole year.

You can save the values created in a worklist by selecting
Save Worklist when you execute the program.
You can then display this worklist when you post adjustments byselecting Adjustment Posting -> Import Worklist, and transferadjustments from the list.


  • The input tax deduction rates (ITDR) for the selected PCOs must be
  • determined first. You can calculate the ITDR for a PCO using program"Determing Tax Input Deduction Rates for PCOs ordetermine them yourself using the transaction Maintain Imput TaxDeduction rates.
    • The documents must be posted. Parked documents are not included
    • in the selection of documents.


      You see a list that displays the entries for each tax code andtransaction, existing monthly adjustments, and the annual tax adjustmentvalues.
      This list displayed is based on theABAP List Viewer. You canfind information on the ABAP List Viewer in the documentation in the SAPLibrary under CA - Cross Application Components -> General TaskFunctions -> ABAP List Viewer.