INCLUDE FB_BCS_CLOSING OBJECT DOKU ID TXTitle Converting Budget Data to Revenues Increasing the Budget for theGovernment of Canada Purpose This program is only relevant for customers who are using revenuesincreasing the budget and have performed an upgrade to IS-PS Release4.61A>. These customers must execute the program for each clientimmediately following the upgrade. The program converts the field Budget type> (VORGA) with the value'KBI1' in table BPJA to the new combinations of Budget type > (VORGA) and Budget subtype> (SUBVO). The program initializes the value types 4C or 7C for the revenues FMaccount assignment in budgeting.Integration The program is ready to be restarted. Prerequisites Before you start this program, you must have performed the following IMGactivites in the customizing of Funds Management Government>: RESET N1 Create Budge Subtypes> Enter Settings for Budget Subtypes>. Define Budget Subtypes for AutomatedPostings> To do so, choose Budgeting and Availability Control -> Budgeting ->Budget Types> and then the appropriate activity in the customizing ofFunds Management Government.Features |