INCLUDE FB_BCS_CLOSING OBJECT DOKU ID TXDescription The program RFFMUD01 increases the expenditure budget based on purposeoriented revenues. Caution:> As a rule, execute the increase of the expenditurebudget in the Background>. Program parameters> FM area Fiscal year When you enter a fiscal year, limit the selection of relevant documentsto this fiscal year. The program will otherwise carry out a budgetincrease based on all relevant documents. Because the distribution rules for revenues increasing the budget areyear-dependent, the fiscal year also determines which rule is valid. Manual budget increase If you set this indicator, the output of the postings will only be in alog. Using this list, you can decide for which expenditure FM accountassignment a manual budget increase, for example a budget supplement,should be performed. You can limit the selection of documents to certain document numbers andcertain funds.Precondition If you have selected the Increase rule is predefined in document>option in Customizing for revenues increasing the budget, you must runprogram RFFMUD11> before running program RFFMUD01. If you have defined for an FM account assignment that a budget increaseoccurs only after receipt of payment, you must run programmRFFMS200> before running RFFMUD01. If you have defined that the budget increase will be performed after thereceipt of payment in Customizing, you must first run theRFFMS200> program before starting program RFFMUD01. Prerequisite for a manual budget increase is that in the distributionrules, which form the basis for a budget increase, a budget memo withbudget memo type 04> (manual) is defined.Output The program generates a list displaying for each expenditure FM accountassignment whose budget is being increased, the revenue FM accountassignment causing the increase along with the amount of the increasefor each document item of the document (forecast of revenue, financialaccounting document or acceptance request) The list has the followingcolumn headers:
- FMA (FM area)
- Year (in which the budget is increased)
- Funds center (receiver funds center)
- Fund (receiver fund)
- Revenue commitment item
- Amount (amount increasing budget)
- CoCd (of FI document or acceptance request)
- Year (of FI document or acceptance request)
- Actual doc. (of FI document or acceptance request)
- Item (of FI document or acceptance request)
- Forc.rev. (document number of forecast of revenue)
- Item (of forecast of revenue)