Title Transfer Budget or Commitment/Actual Totals to Budgetary Ledger Purpose This program transfers FM Budget or Commitment/Actual Totals to the FIBudgetary Ledger, which forms part of FI-GL. The previous transferprogram RFFMTOBL> only allowed the transfer ofcommitments. The transfer of associated FM balances takes place on a monthly orannual basis. See the IMG and corresponding documentation on the FMBudgetary Ledger for further information.Prerequisites Complete the configuration for this process described in the IMG underTransfer of FM totals to Budgetary Ledger>.Then carry out the following steps required for completion: Activate the data transfer. Define the derivation strategy for BL accounts. (Note: The BL accounts used need to be set up as balance sheetaccounts.The associated commitment item must have financial transactiontype 40). Define the FI posting details. Specifically for our fund accounting customer we offer the configurationfunctionality under Transfer of FMcommitments to FI>.Description The program is designed to be used for a monthly or annual data transferschedule. The program should be executed in background for the realtransfer execution. The following program parameters are used:
- FM area
The FM area in which the FM budget or commitment/actual totals arerecorded. The associated company code for the FI Budgetary Ledgerposting is defined within the customizing step for this program, in casethe FM area encompasses more than one company code.
- Fund
The fund selection is available as a breakdown option. With no input,all funds are selected.
- Year
The fiscal year in which the totals are calculated in the specifiedperiods.
- To-period
The period up to which the totals are calculated starting from period 1.
- Posting date
The posting date on which the Funds Management totals are transferred tothe FI Budgetary Ledger document. Processing options>