Title Annual Budget: List of Totals Records Use This program displays annual budget values. These are budget valuesthat exist in the budget or as secondary funds for an individual fiscalyear. The program evaluates all totals records that fulfill the selectioncriteria. From the list generated, you can see how much budget specificFM Account Assignments > actuallyhave.Integration You can go to the line item display from any of the totals displayed. Prerequisites Annual budget values must exist in the FM area/fiscal year selected.The basis of this is the assignment of a relevant budget profile forthe FM area evaluated. The budget profile is defined in the Customizingof Funds Management. For more information on the budget profile, seeSet Up Budget Profiles>.Features INCLUDE FIFM_EPSELECT_FMF OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FIFM_ALVLINK OBJECT DOKU ID TX |