SAP Program RFFMSDCA_WIZ - Log Evaluation for Vendor Document Interface

The report enables the evaluation of all application logs of the vendordocument interface.

On the selection screen you can search for logs based on header data,document numbers, or message types.
The search by message type does not mean that only messages with thestated message type are issued; all messages of a log in which itappears at least once are displayed.

In the standard version, the message text, message number, message type,message class, document level, document number, creator, posting date,and entry date are displayed in the message window.

The output screen has a tree on the left in which the reconciliationkeys, in other words the run IDs of the log headers found, aredisplayed.
On the right of this, you have the message output in which first allmessages of all the IDs found are displayed, sorted by internal keymessage number.
If you choose a reconciliation key from the tree structure bydouble-clicking, all messages for this run are displayed on the right ofthe message window.
If you choose ' Display All Messages', all messages in all headers aredisplayed in the message window.